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Containerization & Orchestration

Containerization & Orchestration


Containerization is an operating system-level virtualization approach that allows packaging an application and all its dependencies into a lightweight and portable container. Each container operates independently, which isolates the application from the runtime environment, ensuring consistency and portability across different environments.


Container orchestration refers to the automated management of containers at scale. When you have multiple containers running on different hosts, it’s necessary to coordinate their deployment, scaling, monitoring, and recovery in case of failures. This is where orchestration tools like Kubernetes come into play.

Benefits of containerization


Containers are independent of the execution environment, which means that once created, they can run anywhere that supports Docker or other container platforms.


By packaging the application and its dependencies together, it ensures that the application runs the same way in different environments, from development to production.


Containers share resources from the underlying operating system, making them more efficient in terms of resource usage compared to virtual machines.

Quick deployment

Containers can be started and stopped quickly, speeding up the process of deploying and scaling applications.


Each container provides a level of isolation for the application, improving security and simplifying dependency management.

Benefits of orchestration


Kubernetes enables automatic scaling of applications based on workload, ensuring optimal performance at all times.

High availability

Kubernetes manages workload distribution among multiple instances of an application, ensuring high availability and fault tolerance.

Declarative deployment

The definition of infrastructure as code allows for consistent and reproducible deployment of the application across different environments.

Monitoring & Autohealing

Kubernetes constantly monitors the state of applications and nodes, and can automatically take self-healing actions in case of failures.

Resource management

Kubernetes efficiently manages CPU and memory resources, dynamically allocating them according to the needs of the applications.

At Mikroways, we specialize in providing comprehensive solutions in containerization and container orchestration, as well as DevOps practices to optimize the development, deployment, and operation of applications in cloud and on-premise environments. From assessing and modernizing applications to implementing and managing Kubernetes clusters, we offer customized services that enable organizations to fully leverage the benefits of containerization and orchestration.

Services we offer

Implementation of containerization strategies

  • Evaluation of existing applications to identify those that would benefit from containerization.
  • Development of strategies and roadmaps for the gradual containerization of critical business applications.
  • Design and implementation of Dockerfiles and Docker Compose to package applications into containers efficiently and securely.

Deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters

  • Implementation of Kubernetes clusters in on-premises or public cloud environments.
  • Configuration and optimization of Kubernetes clusters to maximize scalability, availability, and security.
  • Deployment of applications on Kubernetes clusters using tools like Helm to manage application packages.

Process automation with DevOps

  • Integration of DevOps practices into the application development and deployment lifecycle.
  • Automation of CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipelines to ensure fast and reliable software delivery.
  • Implementation of monitoring and alerts to monitor the performance and health of applications and container infrastructure.

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