Harbor in OKD 25 August 2023

Harbor in OKD

Previously we talked about how to use Harbor as image cache and how to configure CRI-O to use Harbor as cache. Today we want to show how to achieve the same behavior in an OKD cluster, whose configuration presents some additional difficulties.

Configuring OKD nodes

Supongamos que tenemos nuestro Harbor corriendo en my-harbor.example.com y que ya tenemos configurado el proyecto de harbor para que funcione como cache de docker.io. Además, OKD utiliza CRI-O, así que lo único que deberíamos hacer es configurarlo para que utilice nuestro registry como mirror, ¿verdad?

Suppose we have our Harbor instance running on my-harbor.example.com and that we already have configured the Harbor project to work as cache to docker.io. Since OKD uses CRI-O, we should just configure it to use our registry as mirror, right?

Veamos, lo que queremos es reemplazar el archivo /etc/containers/registries.conf en el filesystem de cada nodo. Según la documentación oficial de OKD, la configuración de las maquinas se realiza a través de un objeto especial, los MachineConfigs. Estos se generan a partir de una definición yaml:

Let’s see, what we really need to do is to replace the file /etc/containers/registries.conf in each node’s filesystem. According to the official OKD documentation, machine configuration is done through a special object, the MachineConfigs. These are generated from a yaml definition:

❯ cat 99-worker-harbor.bu
variant: openshift
version: 4.11.0
  name: 99-worker-harbor-proxy
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
  - path: /etc/containers/registries.conf
    mode: 0644
    overwrite: true
      inline: |
        unqualified-search-registries = ['registry.access.redhat.com', 'docker.io']
        prefix = 'docker.io'
        insecure = false
        blocked = false
        location = 'docker.io'
        location = 'my-harbor.example.com/proxy.docker.io'
        insecure = true        

Then the docs tells you to use an special tool, butane, to generate the MachineConfigs manifests:

❯ butane 99-worker-harbor.bu -o ./99-worker-harbor.yaml
❯ cat 99-worker-harbor.yaml
# Generated by Butane; do not edit
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
  name: 99-worker-harbor-proxy
      version: 3.2.0
        - contents:
            compression: gzip
            source: data:;base64,H4sIAAAAAAAC/2yOQW6EMAxF9zlFdtkU9wScBGVhEgNWQ0ztRILbV5VK2xnN8uk9W7/Xz46FF6Y8GKGmbVBa2ZoymR/9FH7wAkyJzEApb9ggyR7efMiSPkiBJUQ3TXcbozuUFj79+D9xXI1SV/KjX7AYubl8y/zLRRI2lvp09/cZdlYVjfEhve2woc6iYFTREFaZAfX9UDkveD2jaSf3FQAA//95sGm0BQEAAA==
          mode: 420
          overwrite: true
          path: /etc/containers/registries.conf

But after applying it, although the machineconfigpools start to update, they do not progress correctly and this error is shown:

  pool is degraded because nodes fail with "1 nodes are reporting degraded
  status on sync": "Node okd-cluster-j92p5-blackbox-monitoring-pmbmh is
  reporting: \"failed decoding TOML content from file
  /etc/containers/registries.conf: files cannot contain NULL bytes; probably
  using UTF-16; TOML files must be UTF-8\"" 

We tried different ways to encode the file, but always got the same error.


La solución que encontramos fue encodear el archivo en base64 y pegarlo en el campo source del manifiesto antes generado. Para esto primero se escribe el archivo registries.conf con el contenido deseado, por ejemplo:

The solution we found was to base64-encode the file and paste it into the source field of the manifest generated above. In order to do this, we first wrote a registries.conf file with the desired content, for example:

 cat registries.conf
unqualified-search-registries = ['registry.access.redhat.com','docker.io']
prefix = 'docker.io'
insecure = false
blocked = false
location = 'docker.io'
location = 'my-harbor.example.com/proxy.docker.io'
insecure = true

It is then encoded in base64:

❯ cat registries.conf | base64 -w0

This is pasted into the source field of the previously generated file (ignoring the “do not edit” comment). We also removed the gzip compression and specified the charset with data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,:

❯ cat 99-worker-harbor.yaml
  # Generated by Butane; do not edit
  apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
  kind: MachineConfig
      machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
    name: 99-worker-harbor-proxy
        version: 3.2.0
          - contents:
              source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,dW5xdWFsaWZpZWQtc2VhcmNoLXJlZ2lzdHJpZXMgPSBbJ3JlZ2lzdHJ5LmFjY2Vzcy5yZWRoYXQuY29tJywnZG9ja2VyLmlvJ10KW1tyZWdpc3RyeV1dCnByZWZpeCA9ICdkb2NrZXIuaW8nCmluc2VjdXJlID0gZmFsc2UKYmxvY2tlZCA9IGZhbHNlCmxvY2F0aW9uID0gJ2RvY2tlci5pbycKW1tyZWdpc3RyeS5taXJyb3JdXQpsb2NhdGlvbiA9ICdteS1oYXJib3IuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20vcHJveHkuZG9ja2VyLmlvJwppbnNlY3VyZSA9IHRydWUK
            mode: 420
            overwrite: true
            path: /etc/containers/registries.conf

Aplicando este manifiesto se empezarán a actualizar los nodos. Al finalizar se se puede ingresar a alguno de ellos y realizar un pull de cualquier imagen de docker.io con usando crictl pull. Si dicha imagen aparece en el proyecto de Harbor significa que la configuración se ha realizado exitosamente.

After applying this manifest the machine controller will begin updating nodes. When finished you can ssh into any of them and pull some docker.io image using crictl pull. If that image arrives into the Harbor project, it means the configuration has been carried out successfully.